Unlearning Marketing
Ever feel overwhelmed, uncomfortable and disheartened by marketing? You're not alone.

For as long as people have sold things, it's been about finding ways to trick and exert control over others. 

If this gives you the ick, then allow me to introduce you to a new way of thinking about marketing. Let's unshackle you from the marketing "shoulds". 

Feel clearer and more positive about marketing, and see how feel-good marketing can be possible for you, too!

In the original workshop, I’ll introduce you to: 
 why mainstream marketing (and its associated dark arts) are unsustainable,
a new way of marketing thinking, 
ways to developing a purposeful and effective marketing strategy that benefits you, your customers/clients and the wider world, and 
ideas for better content that is a joy to create.

I've also added a second 25-minute workshop, updated in 2024, with 5 ways in which you can bring more feel-good marketing in your business. 

Here's what you get: 
a 35-minute video workshop (no sales pitches, just good theory and practical info!) - this is from 2022 but I stand by everything I said! 
a worksheet to support your learning
 a brand new 25-minute video with transcript giving you a new perspective on marketing as well as 5 practical ways to make marketing feel good!
Buy now for instant access!

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Want to make your Insta better?

Special one-time offer, only £5
A mini course to breathe new life into your Instagram profile, learn some good practice and get inspired to create fresh content (in under an hour!).

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  • Total payment
  • 1xUnlearning Marketing£30

All prices in GBP
